30 April 2017


This has been a rather slow month for reading. I shouldn't say that actually. I did finish two; I'm in the middle of two audio books; and I'm trying to finish the next book club choice.

My reason for a slow month . . . 


These two in particular.

*After many years Melanie is going to receive her Personal Progress necklace. It started with a different ward and we inherited it when she moved to Lake Point. It's taken some creative doing to accomplish this for her, but these young women are awesome. Can I also say Deadlines! Without setting a deadline for ourselves, I'm afraid it would still be a work in progress. I'm so excited for her to get this scrapbook of sorts.

*I've been researching a lot of teaching ideas and thinking through classroom procedures in hopes of getting hired with the school district at some point. Those ideas are going into a portfolio I'm putting together. Should I hopefully get an interview, I will be prepared.

*I've been studying for my Praxis exam, a huge, four-hour, comprehensive test that everyone needs to take before getting hired. The usual way of doing this is at the end of four years of college for anyone who has taken the traditional route for teaching. My route is not usual and therefore it must be taken. I'm looking at sometime in June if I can figure out all the chemistry. Seriously, do elementary kids really learn chemistry? I feel good about English and social studies. I'm okay with math although statistics and probability are not strong areas for me.

*I'm also working on some graduation things for Kiersten and my graduating Laurels. I have eight of them this year. Wowzers!

*And then this week there is tennis . . . pretty much all week just in time for the sun to return from vacation. My boys are stoked!

What's happening in my yard
I haven't really had much time to spend outside. It's either been raining or I'm trying to mow the lawn in between rainstorms. We do have a lot of plants that did not make it through the winter for some reason. I did get peas planted and I've got flowers on my strawberries.

These are the days of . . . 
*Adjusting to a new job while still vigilantly looking for a different one. Tyler started a job two weeks ago which has disrupted our morning schedule a little. I've had to do some finagling with Alex to make sure he gets on the bus on the days Tyler and I have to both leave early. So far we have made it work. Only 25 more days.

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