11 April 2017

Faith in Jesus Christ

During this holiest of weeks, as a family we are watching the videos the LDS Church put out for their Easter initiative "Principles of Peace." This morning we watched a video about a young mom struggling to get pregnant. She finally does and eight months into her pregnancy learns she has brain cancer and 15 months to live.

How do you cope with such devastating news?

She says for her it would be such a hard thing to navigate this dark time without faith and hope.

Her husband says: "My faith over the last 16 months has transitioned from a collections of ideas or beliefs into this real relationship with the Savior that has become so powerful for me."

The last 6 months have been some of the hardest for me as our family has navigated through unemployment. I've grown from wanting to find a job right away to just wanting an interview to saying Thy will and Thy timing.

I can honestly say my faith has evolved from not just believing in Jesus Christ but BELIEVING him. Believing that he can work miracles, believing that his love is ALWAYS there, believing that he hears my prayers in the darkest of nights, believing that he can make hard times work for our good, believing him when he says to BE NOT AFRAID. My relationship with Jesus Christ has been fashioned into something more real and lasting and "so powerful for me."

I love Him.

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