Lately, messages of faith and hope seem to appear on my screen, in my book, across the pulpit. They seem to be little messages from home to remind me that things are going to work out all right. Today's came from President Hinckley, one of the greatest optimists ever.
"You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make."
I'm on pins and needles every day, wondering and waiting to see what the Lord has in store for us.
And while I wait, I've been fearfully gleaning a few pages at a time of a book titled, Falling Free, with a subtitle that says "Rescued from the Life I Always Wanted." To be honest, this book intimates me. Not with its size, but with its content. Frankly, I'm downright terrified to know what's in it because God sends messages to me through the printed medium, and I'm so scared He's got a new chapter of life with my name written all over it.
"There's a difference between being too scared to do hard things and doing hard things scared. Communing with the God of the universe will inspire all kinds of unscripted movement and giant leaps past 'normal.' It will make surrendering seem like the safest place. Surrender is always the beginning of a better dream."
These are the days of . . .
*snowstorm upon snowstorm
*so much snow that has FINALLY brought the deer down to our backyard after 6 years of living here (I'm not really sure how I feel about them munching away on my plants)

*Photo credit to Claudia Jackson, my neighbor.
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