I look forward to reading even more this next year and delving into different genres. My two favorites to read are historical fiction and biographys/memoires and my book clubs are great in introducing me to books I wouldn't otherwise have chosen to read. One such book was Dreams from My Father, a memoir by President Obama. What a surprise it was to me that I quite enjoyed the book and found our lame duck president to be a decent writer.
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I've been blogging for nine years now. That's crazy. I never imagined with that first blog post in November 2007 that I would take to it like I have. However, this past year was the third lowest for number of posts. Unacceptable.
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I was thinking about my weaknesses the other day as preparation for a possible interview question. That's never an easy thing. To think about one's shortcomings. But one thing I do that drives Tyler crazy is I tend to cut in and finish sentences. I'm not listening like I should. I'm concentrating more on what my next sentence is going to be. I've been reading books and watching YouTube videos on how to communicate better to improve relationships. One of the best I've read lately is Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High.
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I used to be a die-hard, new-years resolution kind of gal. I made them religiously and broke them just as religiously. I still believe in goals and setting them, but I view it more as projects I work to accomplish. And those I have an abundance of to keep me busy.
These are the days of . . .
*Fake glasses.
Ash loves to wear glasses so Santa brought her some. Isn't she so cute? Much better than the nerdy ones above.
Although the other photo makes her look a little like Bono from U2? Eh?
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