28 April 2016

Young women and their trials

Life has dealt some of my young women some hard obstacles these past couple of weeks. Being their leader, teacher, friend, I just want to take away the pain. Any parent with children knows that feeling. But the hardest thing is they have to endure it alone. Sure I can be there to support and help and love but it doesn't take away the hurt.

I have one who is moving right before her senior year of high school. I vowed I would never move if my parents decided it was time for a change. But she is courageously going with her family. She is my expert snipe hunter and I'm not sure how girls camp will function without her.

I have one who had her tonsils out this week. Poor thing is getting to eat all the ice cream she wants. She is being brave and mending.

I have one who desperately wants to make the ballroom dance team. She has worked for over a year to improve herself, taking extra dance classes. Tonight she'll find out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I have several who are in the thick of cramming for AP exams which commence on Monday. I know it's been nonstop study sessions at my house for Kiersten who almost thinks of prom tomorrow as a burden and a hindrance to her studying.

I have one who had major facial surgery a month ago only to have to go in on Monday to repeat it. This surgery involves breaking her jaw and wiring her mouth shut for 8 weeks. She's the one that breaks my heart the most. You know that for this second surgery she knows what she is in for -- the pain and the recovery. She has been such an inspiration to everyone, but especially to our young beehive with the tonsils taken out.

I didn't know when I got this calling as Young Women President that it would stretch my heart like it has. I didn't know I could love these girls just like I love my own kids. They are my family. Their successes are my successes, their hurts my hurts, their triumphs my triumphs, their pain my pain.

I've tried to minister to them a little more diligently this week as our Savior would. They have become an extension of my family. Instead of five kids, I have thirty-five. I try to attend and support them in their activities and I hope they know how much I love being a part of their lives and how much I pray for them individually and collectively.

This is one of the busiest callings, one of the hardest callings I've had but also one of the most rewarding. I absolutely love rubbing shoulders with the young women of this gospel. They are so strong and full of goodness.

Good things
priesthood blessings

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