07 April 2016

Egg drop

Monday I was asked to substitute at the elementary school for Ms. M. Due to rain last week, Ashlyn's egg drop had been postponed to that very day.

*The egg drop is where every 5th grader has to make a contraption with certain dimensions that will house a raw egg to be dropped from off the school roof. The idea is to not have your egg break.

I was a little bummed that I wouldn't be able to see how Ash's egg performed. I was right next door and figured she would come and tell me when it was all over.

I got to school and was reading through the notes for the day. Ms. M. had crossed out what she had planned at 2pm and said to take them to the egg drop instead.

That made me a happy momma. She was Ashlyn's teacher for 2 years in a row and I think she knew I would like to go.

I left her a nice note thanking her for allowing me to take her class to watch.

The Lord knew how much I love supporting my kids in their endeavors and found a way to make it happen on Monday. That was a sweet, tender mercy.

P.S. Her egg made it intact!

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