14 December 2015


Can you find him? He's incognito. This is where he tends to hide most days.

Or watching Short Circuit, which seems to be his favorite movie. I'd rather he didn't watch it. Hello. '80s movie. Need I say more. It's geared toward kids. Or at least I thought it was.

Last year I put him in an online preschool administered through the state of Utah. It's called Upstart and I was very impressed. His reading level is quite high for a kindergartner. They tested him at the start of the preschool and again at the end. They didn't share the results from the first test but eventually mailed us the end results.

His favorite series right now is The Magic Treehouse. He's up around book 30 and can almost tell you the name of any one book he's read. You ask him what #14 is and he'll tell you right off that it's Day of the Dragon King or that #3 is Mummies in the Morning.

He's also been getting quite annoyed with everyone lately. "You are annoying me." I've pulled him aside a couple of times to talk to him about it, and I've told him that he has a choice. He can choose to be annoyed or not. As a parent you never know whether they are really getting what you are telling them.

This morning Nate was bothering him. Alex looked at Nate and said, "You are annoying me, but I choose not to be annoyed."

Ha, ha, ha. Good one Alex. I guess he was listening.

He is loving school, especially his teacher Mrs. Burge. I've been called Mrs. Burge a few times at home.

The other day he told Kiersten she did something perfecto. "I used a Spanish word. Do you know what it was. It was perfecto. Do you know what that means?" --Age 5

I was folding towels and one had CTR on it. I asked him if he knew what it meant. "Choose the Right," I said. "Choose the right every day." Alex thought about that for a minute and said, "But sometimes we go left." --Age 4

"Brinley doesn't know anything. She told me she is taller than me. But I told her 2 (years old) isn't taller than 4 (years old)." --Age 4

"They call it a mug room because they are the Ruebush." --Age 4

He shares a room with Erik and they are not the best housekeepers. This was actually taken on a rather mild day. Every week they clean it . . . and every week it looks like a tornado touched down.

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