17 December 2015

12 Days of Christmas

The 12 Days of Christmas has been a family tradition for a few years and most years I think we do a pretty good job of keeping things pretty inconspicuous. 

This year we had to switch families last minute and decided to surprise the cute little family across the street. It definitely was the easiest. No driving. No camping out, waiting for them to leave. Just peer out the windows and watch for good timing.

Ash was pretty much the designated delivery gal. To the top of porch and to the top of wall she ran with great speed.

These particular neighbors have a wireless doorbell like we do. There were many days this past summer when we would open the door after the doorbell had been rung to not find anyone there. We thought for sure it must be the cousins next door playing pranks. After several months, our neighbor discovered the mysterious doorbell ringing: our doorbells must be on the same frequency. We have a good laugh and wave when we both step outside to inspect the ringing.

After we had decided on these particular neighbors for our gift giving, we thought about how easy it would be to carefully place our gift, come home, ring our doorbell, and watch for the door to answer. To throw them off even further, we could step outside after they answered like we were opening our door as well.

It was a good thought, but it never happened.

Our plan was fail proof; we had been so stealth for the entire 12 days. Surely they would not know it was us. As I was coming down the hall at church, I stopped to talk to this neighbor and she thanked me for the gifts. I played stupid for a minute and then asked how she knew it was us.

Well, uh, dummy me looked for the perfect box for our last gift and discovered the right sized one in our storage room. I quickly wrapped it and sent Ash on her way.

However, did I check the labels???? No. My name was plastered all over that Amazon box.

Oh well. We were bound to get caught one year. I just feel badly it was my mistake. Lesson learned: don't use your own boxes or at least make sure there is no discriminating evidence taped all over it.

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