19 April 2015

A fair weather runner

Yesterday was a gorgeous day for a run. I left my ear buds nestled all snug their bed and just listened to the birds, the train, the barnyard noises on my five mile route. Some days I need music to keep me moving forward, but yesterday it was just me and my thoughts.

I gave myself just a little prick for not signing up for the Salt Lake City half marathon that was going on at exactly that moment, only 30 miles away. It's one I'd like to do at some point. Katie did it a couple of years and ran in the rain. Another friend ran in a strong headwind but yesterday was the perfect setup. No wind, perfect running temps, close to home. Okay, at this point I went ahead and gave myself a full fledged karate kick as I remembered my friend, the bishop, was running it and had once told me I should sign up.

I told him no because you never know what April weather will bring. So far in my half marathon career of five, I've had great weather at all of them. Maybe a little chilly to start out, but you warm up quick enough. I've never had to race in rain or wind or snow or really uphill for that matter.

Yep, I'm pretty much a race wimp. I like my running conditions to be ideal. I don't want hard obstacles or other factors to inhibit what I'm doing. I just want to enjoy the ride.

So yesterday as my thoughts were pretty much telling me what a wimp I was, I came to a hill and I ran it. I ran up it all the way.

Before we came to this earth, we agreed to experience hard things that would help us grow and become better. If I looked at life like I do my running, just wanting the easy route, the comfortable conditions, the ideal situations, I wouldn't be who I am today.

So much of who I am has come as I have run with the wind in my face wondering if I will ever make it the end. As I've run with the rain pelting my face begging for shelter from the storm. As I've run in blinding snowstorms desperate to discover a new way of life. As I've run up hills, long hills, and not being able to see the top.

But you know, I have always made it through my trials and hard times. And even though I wonder if I'll ever make it out alive while in the midst, I do. However, I'm never the same person. I come through stronger and braver and full of more confidence, ready to face the next unpleasant running condition of life. The trick is to enjoy the ride even through life's unpleasantness and uncertainties and to always keep the Lord as your running partner. 

* * * * *

Happy Birthday today to my niece Makayla who turned eight. She has dealt with some of life's hardest obstacles in having a body that doesn't quite function normally. Oh, was a glorious day it will be after the resurrection to get to know the person who has been bottled up inside.

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