08 December 2013

Temple Square

Every year around Christmas we try to visit Temple Square. It's just a fun tradition we do and the kids admitted to me this time how much they really enjoy going.

And every year I watch the weather; well because I always watch the weather and plan my life around the weather . . . shopping, running, errands, trips out of town, gardening. I really should have been a weather man. All that money wasted on a business degree and my heart really loves weather because frankly it affects every person's life in some way or another.

Okay, that was a bit of a tangent. So last week I was watching the weather and seeing very warm numbers on the screen followed by very cold numbers. Tyler and I made a quick judgment call and decided to hit Temple Square last Sunday. We've been before in freezing cold weather and unquestionably, it just isn't that enjoyable. I don't think we've ever visited on a Sunday and I thought it would kind of quiet. Um, I think I'm not the only weather watcher out there. Anyway, the warm weather made for a very pleasant evening and I'm relishing in those memories at this moment as I write this post and it's a balmy 10 degrees outside only a week later :)

This year we especially loved the luminaries and different nativities. Kiersten especially loved the sign language luminary. 

I love this picture. My kids can be such goofballs. But they are my goofballs and I sure do love them.

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