06 October 2012

Pretty exciting day

Mission age for young men has changed from 19 to 18 years upon graduating from high school and young women may serve at age 19 instead of waiting until 21.

I felt that Heavenly Father heard an unspoken prayer of mine. All three of my boys are born later in the school year which, until today, meant they would have to wait an entire year from graduation before leaving on their LDS mission.

This was something I was never excited about. I would have preferred that they leave soon after graduation and not have that year to wait.

And now . . . it is so possible that there could be a joint farewell for both Kiersten and Erik who are only a year apart and will turn 19 and 18 within 4 days of each other should they both decide this is something they would like to do.

Then throw Cousin Scott into the mix. He lives next door, will turn 18 early in the school year and will have to wait until graduation to go. Now you've got three cousins who could potentially be leaving and serving at the same time.

We were all pretty giddy when we heard the news.

Our other exciting news is Uncle Matt, my brother, is going to be a daddy today. Yippee! Last night my sisters, mom, and I drove to Logan for a baby shower and a couple of hours after we got home, Angelene's water broke. We can't wait to meet the little guy and hear what they finally decide to name him. I love that our family is growing!

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

How cool! Bob, Dean and I all served together! It was really cool!