13 October 2012

Sugar-free for two weeks

The other day I visited my sister Katie in her office at Rhodes Bread where she works in the human resource department. I was there to celebrate her birthday with my mom and sisters.

Isn't she just darling!

While I was waiting for everyone to show I noticed that the employees had the option of signing up to go sugar free for two weeks. I thought that was not for me. No soda, cookies, cakes, candy, sweetened juices, or anything with more than 6 grams of sugar, etc.

But I did think about for the next couple of days and even asked my family if anyone might be interested in doing it with me. Kiersten approached me one morning and said she would try it.

Tonight at dinner we started looking at what we were having for dinner and the sugar in each thing. Pretty soon it turned into a science experiment that Kiersten is going to do for the science fair. BONUS!

So starting Monday Kiersten and I are going to start our little experiment. This should be interesting to see if I feel any different, if I lose a little weight, if I have the will power to stick with it.