29 October 2012

Sugarbusters - Week 2


My two-week sugar fast should really be retitled and called two weeks of madness. Tyler and my kids kept asking when it would be over. And frankly, I am a little relieved to have it over. I have really missed my ice cream and chocolate.

This past week I gave in to my cereal with 7 and 8 grams of sugar. I also hosted book club at my house and didn't want to be a rude hostess, so I indulged in one cookie, with CHOCOLATE CHIPS.

Friday night was date night and we ended up at Chuck-a-Rama. When Tyler first suggested it, I said no way. There was no way I was going to be able to walk out of there without dessert. But I did. I discovered a sugar-free chocolate chip cookie which didn't taste too badly. The sugar-free vanilla pudding was not as great. 

Yesterday Ash and Kiersten made my all-time favorite, chocolate chips cookies and I couldn't resist. Only one though.

This no sugar diet has had it ups and downs and has been a real eye opener. The biggest thing I've learned is how easy it is to eat things with sugar and how hard it is to eat healthier alternatives. AND that it's okay to have a treat. But just one and not four or five helpings. Sugar has invaded everything. I really have to plan what I'm going to eat and have stuff handy for when I get snacky.

I can see myself doing this again, just not right away.