27 September 2012

Goin' to Canada for real this time

My mother-in-law offered an offhanded question a couple of weeks ago wondering if anyone would like to go to Canada with them for the baby blessing of my newest nephew. Even though I have a passport, I silently dismissed it.

Then I received a comment on a blog post from Amber, "come to Canada with Mom and Dad next weekend for our baby blessing!?? Yes? :)"

That seriously got me thinking. I asked Tyler more than a few times if he wanted to go. Nope. Too far too drive. That's exactly what I thought. But it kept coming back to me.

Reason number 1: I should go to help drive. That's a lot of driving to do in 2 days.

Reason number 2: I wanted to see baby Ames and Amber and Aaron's new home.

Reason number 3: Never REALLY been to Canada other than the little jaunt we did on our cruise in June. So that means I might get an official stamp in my passport, not just some touristy mark.
Reason number 4: The fall colors right now are BEAUTIFUL! I suspect the drive would be just as gorgeous.

Reason number 5: I got kind of giddy thinking of all those hours of reading I would get to do. I just got a new book for book club and am way excited to get started on it. But I'm holding out.

So Amber, in answer to your question . . . YES! I'm coming.

I never thought having a passport could be so much fun. It has definitely allowed me to take advantage of this weekend.

* * * * *

My main go-to fly swatter was out of town this week. I'm sure he doubted my ability to keep up with the pesky things, but between me and Al we managed to hold down the fort. Alex said, "Fwy" and I armed myself with the fly swatter.

* * * * *

Last Thursday Ash and Nate and I had parent teacher conferences where Ashlyn's teacher handed us the dreaded poster board. Ohhhhhh! I forgot that 2nd graders get to put together their 1000s chart. You know the saying that goes, "Stick to your task 'til it sticks to you?" Well, Ash totally stuck with it. She diligently worked on her poster all weekend and handed it in Monday. I couldn't be more pleased to have that done.


Ambs said...

AHHHHHHH!!!! I can't believe it! :) :) :) This was such a fun way to find out by the way! YAY!!

Ambs said...

Oh, is Tyler coming? haha

mommaquincy said...

Cool poster! We love to listen to books on cd as we drive!