01 April 2012


We've reunited and gained a few and missed one. Several years ago all my siblings got together for dinner . . . without the parents.

It was rather fun.

And grownup.

So after 3 1/2 years we decided to do it again at Maddox in Brigham City. It's kind of tradition. I just wish my brother Reed could have made it. But Phoenix is kind of far away.

Anyway, we got talking about food, and food that was eaten on missions and realized we had an eclectic bunch of world travelers.

South Korea
and Reed went to the Ukraine

My other brother Matt also told us this story I had not heard before.

My dad is a twin.

His twin brother, Sherwin, was hurt in an automobile accident while on his mission, and was under a lot of anesthesia, ended up having a metal plate put in his head, and remembers someone coming in to give him a blessing.

Later my grandma told him it was Elder Monson who gave him the blessing.

Fast forward many years and my grandma and Uncle Sherwin are having dinner at Maddox when Grandma notices President Monson is seated not far from them.

She tries to convince Uncle Sherwin to go talk to him which he doesn't really want to do and interrupt his dinner.

FINALLY, Grandma wins.

Uncle Sherwin heads over, taps him on the back, and proceeds to say, "I'm not sure if you remember me . . . ". President Monson turns to look at him and exclaims, "Well, how you doing Elder Seamons."

Several years later my dad decided to attend a prominent funeral of five little girls who had died in the trunk of a car. He slipped in the back and soon President Monson came in. He looked at my dad, took a few steps, turned and looked at him again, and then proceeded down the aisle, I'm sure trying to figure out why my dad looked familiar. What an amazing memory President Monson has.

It was such a delightful evening.

I've already calendared it in for next year. None of this waiting 3 years to get together.

Especially if food is involved.

1 comment:

Erika Ellis said...

Cool story, thanks for sharing it.