24 March 2011

And the house projects continue

There were several items that didn't get completed before we moved into this house just for the sake of being able to get into the house after all the numbers were crunched and people were paid.

But now, thanks to a hefty check from Uncle Sam for doing geothermal cooling and heating, we are now in full swing again. However, the list is rather lengthy and it can be quite cumbersome deciding how to prioritize.

1. Number one on our list was easy. Blinds and shutters. We are tired of living in a fish bowl and sitting in the dark. They are now ordered and should be here in a month. (Does that mean they are coming from China???? Hmmmm . . . )

2. Our tile man is coming tomorrow to finish the kitchen backsplash. Tyler and I have been tossing around different ideas on how to design the area above the cooktop. I think we've settled on a keeper. I'm crossing my fingers that it all comes together . . . beautifully.

3. A swing set. I thought this was lower on our list until we came across a pretty good deal. And since we are going to be getting one eventually, it moved further up our priority list. We also live in an area with some pretty gusty winds and decided to spend a little on a swing set that's sturdy and hopefully won't tip (several neighbors have already warned us of theirs tipping over).

Now of a purely different nature: GO BYU! And Jimmer. He is just fun to watch. They've made it the Sweet Sixteen and we're all hoping they can pull off another game.

I'm also winning the brackets in our household. Um, wait a minute while I check one thing . . .

Oops! I predicted Florida to beat BYU. Now who do I root for?

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