05 December 2008

Excitement Mounting

Tomorrow is our annual Leary extended family Christmas party. The tradition is for Uncle Dick to dress up as Santa and for the parents to provide a small gift for him to give the children. This year I came up with a clever idea to give my kids one gift between them which will also help alleviate a small dilemma as to who the gift should go to. This gift is Ligretto, a German card game my younger sister Katie brought home with her from her mission. My kids fell in love the first time they played it and will sit for hours at Grandma's playing over and over. I've never yet played but it's a lot like the game of Speed you play with face cards.

Anyway, the game comes in four suits of different colors, each shrinked wrapped individually. Originally, I was going to give the game to Nate for Christmas mainly because Tyler really dislikes giving gifts to the whole family. I wasn't too keen on the idea just because I could imagine Nate not allowing anyone to play if he really felt like it. So when I remembered I needed gifts for tomorrow's party, an idea was hatched . . . 4 kids, 4 suits, wrap 1 suit for each kid. I am kind of excited for tomorrow to see their reaction. I love surprises and I think this is a great way to share the game they all enjoy.


Linda said...

What a good idea! How did it turn out?

Missy said...

I had Ty bring the video camera and sure enough they jumped up and down when they saw what it was. HOWEVER, they all thought they had each got the game and didn't realize they needed to put all their cards together to play. I had to do some explaining. But it couldn't have turned out better. We missed you guys!

mommaquincy said...

Where did you find the game? I've never seen it before.

Missy said...

Got to love the internet. I actually got it from a company in Denver, or maybe it was somewhere in Colorado.