22 December 2008

Singing with a Choir of Angels

A new tradition I started last year consists of hanging 24 stockings with something to do every day until Christmas stuck inside. Yesterday's stocking was a trip to Salt Lake to listen to the Salt Lake Children's Choir.
Ten years ago we lived in downtown Salt Lake and the director of the children's choir, Ralph Woodward, was in our ward. So that's how we became familiar with the choir. Each year they perform a Christmas concert in the Cathedral of the Madeleine. The acoustics in that building are amazing. This year I wanted to take our kids to see them, and they happened to be doing an abbreviated concert at our old church house. I was excited to expose my kids to some arts and also show them where we used to go to church and where Kiersten was blessed.

The concert was outstanding. But my favorite part was the sing-along by the audience at the end. As the audience sang various Christmas hymns, the choir would supplement. You literally felt like you were singing in a choir of angels. I was glad we went; I have been feeling a little humbug the past couple of weeks, and yesterday was the jolt to my spirit that I needed.

On a side note: as we were driving down South Temple we passed the Cathedral and I mentioned that's where the children's choir normally does their Christmas performance. Kiersten asked if we could go see them there next year. And I said sure. Then I heard Erik whisper to Kiersten rather emphatically, "KIERSTEN! That is a Catholic church!" I smiled to myself and decided I need to educate my kids about other religions.

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

That's cool. We have had some neighbors sing in that choir, but I've never heard them perform1