05 December 2020


Last week we got up do some fun service. On Wednesday we got to go to Barr Lake and put up Christmas lights all over. I generally don't think Christmas decorations should go up before Thanksgiving, but this year was definitely an exception. Thanksgiving morning, we got to go to the cemetery and get all the snow off the graves and dig out the grass covering them so they'd look nice. On Friday and Saturday we had the awesome idea of taking around plates of cookies with Light the World calendars to the ward members. We left them at the door and ran, and had a little note on them that said to do the same thing to three of their neighbors. It was a lot of fun, and we're hoping that they'll help light up their neighborhood around them. 

Thanksgiving was super cool. We had that service, and then had a devotional as a zone which was a lot of fun. The stake had ward members bring food, and the Stake President dished us all up and sent us home since we're no longer allowed to eat in churches with COVID restrictions. That night, we got to watch The Fighting Preacher over zoom, and it was kind of weird to watch a movie again, but it was a lot of fun. 

It is now December, and that means today kicks off Light the World! We have our p-day today because we used yesterday to get as many people as possible to sign up for Light the World. I want to share something I came across this week, and I'd encourage you all to go read Daniel chapter 5 to read the whole story. The king throws this feast, and during it, this writing shows up on the wall. He asks all these wise people to interpret it, and none of them can. His wife, the queen, ends up telling him to ask Daniel, and Daniel is able to interpret it. However, what I love about this is that the king, when he goes to ask Daniel, says that he knows he is a man of light and understanding. I LOVE this idea that Daniel's reputation had preceded him as a man of light. He had stood out by how he acted and his devotion to God, and it was seen as Light. I'd invite you all to be known as People of Light this Christmas season. Serve others, show them love, be an example, and invite people to learn more about Christ this Christmas season. I know as you do so, the Lord will pour out blessings upon you and those you serve, and I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

All my love,
Elder Leary 

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