31 December 2020


I've been a bit remiss with this blog. I've been on a huge learning endeavor in regards to education and reading and writing as I strive to become a better teacher. I've made considerable growth just from where I was two years ago. Sadly this little blog of mine had to take back burner.

However, my goal this Christmas break was to learn how to teach writing in a better way to little 8 year olds. If I want them to write better, I told myself that I need to write more.

That said, I'm leaving 2020 with photos instead. I didn't take very many as I sat and relished the moment of having our grandbaby and MOST of my kids with us. It was simply glorious.

Christmas break began with a quick trip to Ferron. This was a run/hike I went on one morning. It was absolutely beautiful with cool, crisp, clean air.

Nate accompanied the sister missionaries on a Christmas song. Thanks to some pretty remarkable technology, we were able to "zoom" in and watch.

The cutest baby in the world; no biases here.

Our traditional Christmas meal of Korean bulgogi was moved from Christmas Day to Christmas Eve since we were losing KJ and baby to the other inlaws. It was a great present to me. I LOVED not having to make a meal on Christmas day.

Nate left behind a bag for us open on Christmas (or any other time . . . We chose Christmas Eve). In September while he was busily getting ready to leave home for 2 years to bring people to Christ, he was also exemplifying Christ's attributes of thoughtfulness and kindness by preparing that bag for us. It was a bunch of random gadgets from work but I was touched that he was thinking of us months in advance.

I also discovered a shared family photos album where Nate had uploaded some photos from his mission. He hasn't been as diligent with attaching photos to his weekly email as Erik did. I was extremely happy to peruse and save.

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