18 September 2019

Two missionary emails . . . because . . . I'm behind

Monday, September 9
So there wasn't actually a hurricane here. It turned last minute and went off shore (at least for us). We still had to spend last Saturday to Wednesday indoors though. It was a very unusual week. We woke up late, played games all day, relaxed... it felt pretty weird.

This week we also got to go listen to Brad Wilcox speak to our mission. I got a picture with him. I really enjoyed listening to him, it was pretty enlightening. He spoke about the tribes of Israel and how we are children of the birthright, and that we have a calling here on Earth. It was also the first meeting I've been to where the entire mission was there all in the same place. Usually we meet with half the mission, but everyone was there which was super fun.

We also got transfer news this week. I'm getting transfered to Sanford tomorrow. I'm really going to miss Rockledge, this has been my favorite area so far. I've heard good things about Sanford though. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. 

Monday, September 16
I've been in Sanford for about a week now. It's a lot different from my other areas. I miss Rockledge, but I hear Sanford is great. I really like the ward. There are also some other perks that come with this area, like I am full car and I have a first story apartment. The highlights of the week include meeting lots of new people, having a 4 hour district meeting with President Ashcraft about Facebook, and going back to Rockledge on Saturday.

So there's a kid that's scheduled to be baptized here named Cameron. He is 9 and his parents are recently returning members. He is excited for his baptism, but we just need to help him get to church every week so he'll be ready. There are also a few other investigators that potentially could get a baptismal date soon, but I'll have more info next week. 

Cool thing about this week, our district was chosen to be the first district in the mission to be allowed to use Facebook. We are the guinea pigs. We had a very long 4 hour training meeting which was incredibly exciting and entertaining about it on Friday. Gotta love meetings. I think it will be really good, though. I'll be able to reach way more people, even if they aren't in my ward boundaries. There are tons of possibilities for finding people to teach using it. We'll see how it goes. 

It was kind of weird, I went back to Rockledge on Saturday right after I had left Tuesday. There was a funeral for someone that Elder DeMoux, my new comp, and I knew from when we were there. We had a member take us all the way down there for it. It was kind of funny to see people I had just said goodbye to again. 

I also got to watch the young adult face-to-face event last night with our district. If any of you young adults or regular adults want to watch it, do. It was really good. It was just over an hour and there were some good insights from Elder Suares about lots of different things. 

All in all it was a pretty good week. I'm sure they'll keep getting better as I learn my new area. So far so good though. I hope you all have a good week. 

P.S.- Funny story if any of you are still reading. Day 1 of Elder Harris' mission, we had just picked up his brand new bike. We start driving back from transfers and go on the freeway, next thing we know there's a lady honking at us and pointing behind us. We look at our bike rack and realize the bike is missing.

We get off on the next exit, flip around and head back. We found his bike on the side of the road with almost no damage. It was kind of a miracle. 

I also had to take a new profile picture now that I'm using Facebook again. I think this one was pretty good. 

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