01 September 2019

I finally went to the ranch, and saw a rocket launch

So there's a massive church ranch out here in Central Florida that I've wanted to visit my whole mission, and I finally got to go this week. We also had interviews with President Ashcraft this week which was amazing as always. We also helped Howard and Suzie prepare for their baptisms.

I heard about the ranch here before I even got to the mission from my great-grandparents because they had served a few missions there a while ago. I got to go visit it while I was on exchanges with the missionaries that cover it. It was pretty fun. I got to knock some doors there, see some cows, and visit some of the members that live out there.

I got to have an interview with President Ashcraft this week. I love him and his wife so much. They are the sweetest people ever and I'm super excited to continue to get to know them better moving forward.

Howard is getting baptized this Saturday, so we spent a lot of time getting him ready this week. He is prepared a d is excited. We are super happy for him and know this will change his life.

Suzie also said she wants to get baptized. She is moving to Alabama for a month in September, but said as soon as she gets back she will be ready tog et baptized. We will probably call and read the Book of Mormon with her over the phone while she is gone to help her prepare.

I am super blessed here in Rockledge to be able to help these people change their lives for the better. I can't believe how much Howard, KK, and Suzie have changed since we started meeting. The gospel and the atonement can really change people's lives and being. I'm almost halfway done with my mission and I just hope I'm changing as much as these people are.

In other news, I finally saw a rocket launch this week. It was a daytime launch, so not as cool, but it was still amazing. I put a video in the Google Drive of the whole thing. What you can't really hear in the video is how much the whole earth is just rumbling as it goes up. It's pretty cool. 

Also, this rolled ice cream stuff is pretty good. They pour out liquid on a super cold plate and freeze it, then scrape it up into a swirl thing. Good stuff.

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