14 August 2019

The rains came tumbling down

Back home, in the great state if Utah, when it rains, it's an all day thing and it is usually is fairly heavy. Here when it rains it will only last around an hour, but man does it come down. I think it's because I'm right on the coast, so it is always a major downpour when it rains. I put a video in the Google drive of us driving in the rain so you can get a glimpse of it. Our windshield wipers weren't going fast enough, so we had to pull over for a bit. We were lucky enough this week to always be indoors at least when the storms hit, so we didn't get drenched (at least not by the rain, but biking in super humid 90 degree heat does tend to get you a little wet.)

Anyway, enough about the weather. All of our investigators are doing about the same. KK came to church and is trying to get baptized, we'll see what happens. Howard is still on track for the 31st. Suzie should get herself a baptismal date this week. 

A few interesting things did happen this week, though. The Tyndall family from Minneola, one of my last areas, came down and took us to lunch. That was really fun. They are one of my favorite families and they were always super nice to me. It was great to see them and spend some time with them. 

We also had a little bit of car problems from all the rain. Basically, most of the screws from the guard on the bottom of our van fell off, so a few screws were holding it on while it dragged on the ground and it folding under the car. Kind of hard to explain, but there's a picture attached. That shouldn't have happened, we didn't hit anything, and the van was under warranty, so we went to the dealership to have them fix it. They just took it off, but wouldn't fix it because they said something hit it and made it come loose, so the warranty no longer covered it. It must have been the water we were driving through. So now we have to go through the hassle of getting an estimate on a new one, getting our insurance to cover it, and then actually getting it fixed. I'm not a fan of dealing with car issues. 

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