01 March 2019

Week 23

This week was another good one. We got a referral that is already on date to be baptized from New York, I called 911 for my first time ever, and had lots of good lessons.

So we got a referral from some missionaries in New York. They have been teaching her and she is on date to be baptized in March. That's super awesome for us. The only problem is, she's now living with her dad who doesnt want her to meet with us and he wouldn't let her go to church yesterday. We need to figure that out quick. Hopefully this week we will be able to have a lesson with her.

This is the story of why we had to call 911. So there is a recent convert named James in our branch who has diabetes. We meet him every week, and on Friday we had an appointment with him. We went to the appointment, but he didnt answer, so we went in to check up on him because he has been in 2 diabetic comas in the past month. We found him in a coma and called 911. They came and helped him out. He had been in a coma for a while and his blood sugar was at 25. That's really low. It was a miracle that this happened on the day we had an appointment with him, because they said if we hadn't found him he would have died. He went to the ER and got taken care of and he's ok now. 

The funny part is, usually we go out with the Branch President on Fridays, but our appointments fell through so we didn't. That gave him a chance to visit James. While he was there, he and Brother Ferguson gave James a blessing. One of the nurses was interested in what that was. They talked to her for a long while about the church and she even started crying and said she could feel the spirit. She got a BoM and said she'd come to church sometime. President also said he invited 5 other people to church while at the hospital. Our appointments fell through for a reason I guess. #thelordworksinmysteriousways #membermissionarywork

We also had lessons with Willie Allen, Sandy, and Paul. Willie we invited to be baptized and he said he would need to pray about it. We are seeing him tomorrow and will follow up with him. 

Sandy knows the Book of Mormon is true and feels the spirit every time we meet, but she refuses to admit that that's what she's feeling. She has been to 7 churches and never joined any of them. She may take a little longer. 

Paul's lesson went well. He was the one we found tracting a few weeks ago and we had a lesson this week. He had read the Book of Mormon and the pamphlet we gave him. We taught the restoration and he understood it really well. He had a few questions that we will answer at our lesson this week. He is ready to receive the gospel and really needs it in his life right now. 

Missionary work is amazing. We see miracles every day and it's amazing to see the gospel of Jesus Christ change people for the better. I'm just glad I can be a part of it. That's all folks! 

I dont know what's going on with my smile here. Oh well.

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