19 March 2019

D&C 137:7

This scripture brought me some comfort this week. The branch here had a hard week.

D and C 137:7 Thus came the voice of the Lord unto me, saying: All who have died without a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God.

It was a very eventful week, there was some good and also a lot of bad. I'll start with the bad. Brother Ferguson and his fiancee Sandy who we were teaching were in a motorcycle accident and they both have passed away. I'll talk a little more about that later, but here's the good that happened. We got to have interviews with President Clark and I got a lot of really good advice from him. We also had our temple trip on Thursday, it was my first one since getting to Orlando in October.

Brother Ferguson, the best member missionary here, and Sandy, our favorite investigator, have both passed away this week. They were in a wreck last Sunday and Brother Ferguson passed away instantly and Sandy passed away yesterday in the hospital. The gospel brings us comfort though. We know that they are well now and that we will see them again. I have a baptism this Saturday in Minneola, my last area, for Paul that I will have to miss to go to the funeral. That's a bummer for me, but that's enough sad news for one email. Here's some good news.

We had interviews with President Clark on Thursday. I always look forward to those. He had a ton of good advice for me about how to set solid return appointments that won't fall through. I also found out that I will most likely stay here in Lake Placid and Elder Hintikka will leave next transfer. I'll find out for sure on Saturday this week though. 

We also had our temple trip on Thursday. We hitched a ride with Brother Short and the Sebring Elders up there. It was a fun road trip. I got to do sealings for my first time, it was a great experience. I enjoyed seeing the endowment for my first time since the changes also. Afterward while we waited for our ride to finish his shift as a temple worker we went with the Sebring Elders over to the Liahona book store. It was fun to hang out there for an hour and a half and read the interesting books there. It was a much needed break from the normal missionary schedule. 

All in all it was a good week. We also found a new person to teach and I got to see some old friends from Palm Bay at church yesterday. And as always, I took a lot of pictures that are in the Google Drive. If you need access send me an email and I'll add you as fast as I can. 

A little spiritual thought to finish the email up this week: I've been reading the Gospels this past month. I read one a week and just finished John. I've been amazed and how much even the gospels that every church uses point to truths that only we teach in our church. Even from the bible we can come to know that our church is true. Everything he did to set up his church, calling apostles and seventies, sending them forth 2 by 2, giving them the priesthood, etc. is now a part of our church. I know this church is true and I know that by living it we can find more happiness than we can any other way. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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