31 March 2019

Another New Area

It's been a successful week. We found a couple new people and had some good lessons. We also had transfer calls on Saturday, and it turns out I'm leaving Lake Placid.

We got a referral from Brother Swift this week. We stopped by them, Andrew and Jennifer Baucom, and they said they would like to meet with us. They have 3 young women  age daughters, which is something the branch is lacking in. It would be great if they would accept the gospel.

We also found a guy named Eduardo. He requested a bible a year ago and the missionaries dropped it off, but he refused a Book of Mormon. We stopped by and he actually said he'd like to meet with us. We stopped by and ended up doing some service for him for about 45 minutes before our lesson. Before the lesson we asked about his background. It turns out he is a youth pastor and has a lot of knowledge about the bible. We ended up giving him a Book of Mormon and he said he'd read and pray about it.

Gus, the guy we found last week, came to church yesterday. He had questions about how to have more faith when we met him, and it turns out our whole sacrament meeting was about faith. It's amazing how often that happens. We then had another lesson with him yesterday that went really well. He said he wants to join something with his family. 

We are finally getting a lot done in Lake Placid, but it turns out I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm going to Rockledge with Elder Ward. I've been out 5 transfers and this is my 4th area. That is really crazy. I've heard a lot of good things about Rockledge, plus they have amazing P days there. It will be another good transfer as always. Goodbye city of murals.

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