25 September 2018

First real email from our missionary

I know most of you don't want to read a long email, so I'll stay with a summary paragraph for you. 

I arrived last Wednesday and have been constantly busy ever since. I talked to some of my closest friends from home, ate lots of food, smelled the famous awe inspiring cream soda tree, and taught my first "investigator." 

So I've talked to 5 people from home that I know, and out of the hundreds of people here, they put my friend Jace "Elder" Anderson in the room right next to mine. We've talked a lot and hung out a bunch. I even got to go to the temple with him today. I'm so grateful that I have a close friend to talk to here.

They really so feed us a lot. Every meal is all you can eat. They have great chocolate milk too. The most amazing drink though is a concoction an elder showed me. It's 75% Sprite and 25% orange guava juice. I can't complain about the food. 

Now the most amazing thing I did all week was smell the cream soda tree. I don't know what species of tree or is, since sort of pine, but it smells just like cream soda. I don't know why but it is amazing. 10/10 experience

Me and my companion Elder Hodges need some work teaching people, but overall we're doing pretty good. We got to teach an "investigator" named Ben. I put the quotation marks in for two reasons. They could be actors or they could be real people that need to be taught. It's about a 50-50 chance from what I hear. The other reason is that we aren't supposed to say investigator any more. They are now just called people, which makes way less sense. Anyway, we had a good lesson with Ben yesterday about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. It went well. We had the spirit there and he accepted an invitation to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. 
Oh yeah, and my district is amazing. There are 3 sets of elders, Elder Berry and Elder Thornok, Elder McKenzie and Elder Johnsen, and Elder Hodges and I. There are 3 sets of sisters, Sister Corder and Sister Rhoton, Sister Rima and Sister Stottart, and Sister Cobb and Sister Durham. We have a lot of fun and always sit together for meals and sit together in meetings. There's never a boring moment when we're all together. 

Overall a great week. The three hardest things were not having free time ever, being away from home,  and seeing all the emails come in all week without being able to respond until today. 
 Here are some pictures.

1. The cream soda tree

2. The most lovely, majestic elegant tree at the MTC. Also, it is a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

3. Me and my companion

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