13 September 2018

I'm still here

I think one day I'll catch up on my blogging. Totally missed the first day of school pictures that happened three weeks ago.

My very own first back-to-school picture in A LOT of years.

Today I had the cutest thing happen at school. I have a penny economy in my classroom where my students get to earn pennies for being on time, handing in work, good behavior . . . pretty much whatever I want. They can also lose pennies and I finally started taking some away this week so they know I mean business. But man, I can't tell you how much they love their pennies.

Today I had a teacher down the hall bring one of my students to me at lunch recess to tell me that this student had brought toys to school and had been playing on the playground with them with a friend.

**I didn't know this was a rule that they couldn't bring toys to school. I don't allow it in my classroom but didn't know it was a school-wide rule.**

This poor student was just about in tears. After the other teacher left, I consoled her and told her I would walk down to get her toys at the end of the day. A minute later she was sitting at her desk and quietly took her penny box out and said, "I guess I owe you two pennies," and began to get two out to give me.

Oh. my. heart. I quickly told her she didn't need to pay me any pennies. I explained that since I didn't know it was a rule, I couldn't tell her to not take her toys outside.

These kids are so funny. And so honest! They practically beg me for privacy folders in order to take their tests. "Because we don't want to cheat!"

Some days are hard, but most days are oh so rewarding.

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