28 October 2017


Ah, last weekend. Just what the doctor ordered. I've been looking forward to our getaway since June.

Somehow I just knew we would be in a better job position and could justify this little trip. And actually the day our entourage of girls left marked one year since finding out Tyler would no longer be employed.

I don't think I could really call it a celebratory vacation, just kind of ironic in the timing. This past week I've randomly come across the story of Joseph in Egypt three different times. My patriarchal blessing references him so I reread his story because maybe God was trying to point something out to me. My take aways:

He was filled with an unconquerable spirit.
Life most certainly did not turn out quite like he anticipated.
He had some mean brothers.
He maintained his integrity.
He was wise.
He was generous.
He was forgiving.
He was a smart businessman.
God was with him at all times and . . . my favorite . . . 

"That which he did, the Lord made it to prosper."

That last line came as Joseph sat in prison, unjustly condemned. God can work miracles and make even the worst of circumstances prosper for our good. I'm sure Joseph wondered many times how it was all going to turn out. As I read, I was rooting for him, telling him to hang in there, things are going to get better. Because I had read the conclusion. I knew how the story ended. But in the middle of it all, Joseph didn't know. He simply continued to put one foot in front of the other. Faith. He was a man of faith.

My last take away from this story:

Joseph was blessed with 7 years of plenty and then 7 years of famine. We've had many years of plenty and are one year into our income famine. Oh, I hope the Lord wasn't trying to tell me that we are in for another 6 years of drought. I don't think my heart nor our bank account could hold out that long.

I am very grateful for the little income we do have but pray every day for a better opportunity to come along.

Joseph. I need to be more like him. More full of faith. More trusting. God knows the end of this story and he is working to turn these less-than-desirable circumstances into something better. The middle is not a fun place to be, but I'll take it over where we were a year ago.

1 comment:

ellisgomez said...

I was just thinking about your "middle place" this week... and I put your names in the temple with hopes that the better situation will come quickly. I love you being here in Lake Point!
As I read your great words I thought of Joseph Smith... and realized it was all true for him as well, (as the Book of Mormon tells us as well). I read Uncle Frank's biography of Joseph last year and I remember him saying that even enprisoned Joseph was still leading and strengthening the church... through letter writing and such. What a great example. Staying strong and staying his course through trial is such a test. I dare say you are passing with flying colors Missy!