15 October 2017

Cognitive Dissonance

Puppy heaven is where my kids have been all weekend and will have some withdrawals when the neighbors return.

"Mom, you know you want a dog!"

"Can't we get a dog?"

And what would I hear in a few weeks.

"I took her out last time."

"Why do I always have to take care of the dog?"

"It's not my turn."

Yep. Not gonna happen.

Kiersten came home this weekend and her facial expression was priceless when she was greeted at the door by a yapping dog named Queen Bee in her honor.

Cognitive dissonance. That is what she called trying to wrap her little brain cells around the fact that we had indeed introduced a dog into our family. We have been adamant for years when the subject is always broached that there would not be a dog in our family. I grew up with dogs; most of them a yellow lab all named Lady. Tyler has a disdain for them. 

Number two was the fact that it was an inside dog. I've never been overly fond of animals inside the house. For those brief minutes that we toyed with her, I wish I had it on camera. Her dad and I reveled in her complete and utter consternation.

The truth eventually emerged that we were only dog sitting for the weekend. Our family will still continue to be the family Kiersten knows us to be.

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