17 June 2017


Today Kiersten and her friend Rachel are celebrating their 12-year friendversary.

Rachel loves to gift her with a box of random stuff and they have been reminiscing and doing all childhood things like coloring with crayons and chalk and baking chocolate chip cookies.

I loved listening to their reminiscences of growing up and Rachel telling Kiersten how she always had to go home at 5pm. I was quick to tell her that was in a day when we actually had dinner at a consistent hour.

At Stansbury Days many years ago, they won the cardboard boat race. Actually they won the Titanic award when their boat took on water, forcing them to swim.

Everybody needs good friends you can rely on when life takes on water and you find yourself trying to keep your head above water.

I love that they've maintained their friendship after our move. Even though it was only three miles away, it makes it a little harder when you don't live right down the street.

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