05 March 2017


Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.
-Romans 12:12

The past couple of days have been some downers. I am usually an upbeat woman full of faith and hope and optimism. But I let fear creep into my thoughts, bringing me pretty low. I went to the temple needing some assurance and some heavenly help and power from on high.

The word GRACE was whispered to me as I entered and I contemplated and referenced this word, waiting.

"My grace is sufficient for thee . . ." 2 Corinthians 12:9. This was a tender answer to my pleading for assurance from my loving Father in Heaven. His blessings and love are enough for me to get through these most difficult times. God's grace is sufficient for everything I lack and everything lacking in me.

"[I]t is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do." 2 Nephi 25:23. I had been wondering why it seemed nothing was working in our favor and yet I felt I was doing everything I could within my power. I came to the temple asking about this and was pointed to this scripture. The Lord knows I am doing all I can and through his love and mercy and power He will make things right. One day this trial will end, saving us in a sense.

When the trials of life drive you to your knees causing you to realize how utterly dependent on the Lord you have to be, the only place to look is up. And God ever so patiently waits for us.

I came home, not feeling really any better, still wondering how to stretch our dollars. I was in a funk, needing to snap out of it, and decided a nap could help. Sometime during that nap, a delivery man, disguised as our bishop, handed Ty an envelope from a unknown benefactor. This is the second such envelope within a month containing a "sufficient" amount of funds.

Tyler and I are still so unsure how to handle this, wanting to pay it forward in some way. And so it sits, in a nightstand, waiting for the right time and the right use to manifest itself to us. The goodness of the people in our little community and ward has been incomprehensible as they continue to shower us with God's grace in rich abundance.

I once saw a quote that said something like this: "The gospel made us sisters; visiting teaching made us friends." I have found a new friend in one of the ladies I visit teach. She became aware of my "no good, terrible, very bad day" and gave me something to cheer me up.

I had told her that ice cream makes everything better. And she believed me. This was no easy task for her, having taken a chemo pill two days earlier that left her feeling very sick. What a gracious gesture. A gesture full of God's grace.

On a day when everything seemed to be wrong, God showed me through simple, small ways that he is still in the details of my life, very aware and concerned. God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.

These are the days of . . . 
* Ash's math competition. Two mornings a week since October she's been attending early morning math in preparation for this competition between the elementary schools in the district. Her team took 2nd place, only two-tenths behind first. So far all the my kids have participated in early morning math and loved it. Some of those questions had me scratching my head.

*Grammar Nazi.  Every day should be two words unless you are using it as an adjective as in "My everyday clothes are sweats and a t-shirt." This is one of the most common misspelled words I see in print, on billboards, and even on an English teacher's bulletin board.

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