19 March 2017

Utah Valley University

I got to wear my Wolverine Pride for St. Patty's Day.

Several weeks ago Kiersten got invited to attend an awards banquet at Utah Valley University for her scholarship. She got to attend a dinner and received a very nice blanket. Earlier that day she and Tyler toured some housing prospects and found one where if you are accepted into the honors program, rent is half off.

She came home and got to work writing several required essays, submitting them the day they were due. An email came the next day, stating she had been accepted into the honors program. I guess the next step is to put down a deposit. She also had an interview to be a Brighton counselor this summer and we are in waiting mode to see if she got accepted.

I am so grateful for her and for her steadiness and good heart. What a blessing she is in our lives.

What's happening in my yard
Ahhh spring! I love it. I love watching everything wake up. My forsythia is all in bloom and makes me want to plant more. What a beautiful yellow.

I also took care of my raspberries, cutting out old canes and thinning them down. Technically this should be done after my June bearing ones are done producing and then sometime in the fall after my everbearers are done. But life kind of got in the way last fall and I didn't get around to it until now. I start by cutting everything down to about 2 or 3 feet high. That way I can see what I'm dealing with. Then I cut out all the old stalks which look more gray than the newer stalks and tend to break easier. Then I cut out any that are out of bounds. Raspberries like to sucker and will start coming up in places you don't want them. I cut those out and then I cut out the thin, spindly stalks, leaving the stronger ones behind. I will also cut out some of the stronger ones if they are too crowded. Crowding will give you less yield. Last year I got enough to make my own jam in addition to just eating them. Can't wait to see what this year does.

These are the days of . . . 
* I got asked to give a gardening presentation in my old ward. However, the day did not work for me and I had to say no. That would have been a really fun experience. Hopefully they call me another time.

*Field trips to the Clarke Planetarium. Third time for me so I opted out of the star show and instead caught up with an old friend.

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