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... there are some of us who are sorta stuck here in the middle of the story, God, and we don't know what the next chapter holds.
We've got no idea how our hearts are about to get broken or when, what the doctor could end up saying tomorrow, how the kids will turn out, or what's on the next page or the one after that.
And when you're stuck in the middle of the story? Well, honestly, it's easy to feel at the end of your rope.
And You pull us close, real close: "I’d never forget you—never.
Look, I’ve written your names on the backs of my hands." Isa 49:16
You've etched the very letters of our name, of who we are, right into You.
You haven't forgotten us or this chapter or this story, and if You haven't forgotten us, we're not about to go forgetting that Your stories always work out in the end -- and if things aren't working out quite yet, it just means we're not quite yet to the end. We'll literally practice our faith -- we'll practice saying thanks in the middle.
Faith thanks God in the middle of the mess,
Faith thanks God in the middle of the night,
Faith thanks God in the middle of the story --
Because it believes in the relentless goodness of Him who will won't stop writing till there's good at the end of this story.
--Ann Voskamp, Facebook feed
My family story this week is to tell about an unusual genetic trait that runs in our family. At least it seems to.
Nathan was born the end of July and his 2-month checkup showed his uvula wasn't quite right (this is the little piece of skin that hangs down in the back of the throat). We were sent to an ENT who determined he had a cleft, splitting the uvula in two. The cleft also came just a little way up into his soft palate as well.
No surgery would be needed until he was about 18 months to correct it.
Fast forward a couple of years and my cousin Stephanie on the Seamons side gave birth to a baby boy with a full cleft that came all the way through his soft and hard palate and part of his lip. He has had to have several major surgeries to correct it.
During one family reunion as we sat and discussed these findings, my granny informed us that Sherwin, my dad's twin, also had a partial cleft resulting in his speech sounding a little nasally.
The ironic thing is all three were male and all three were the third born in their family.
Nathan dealt with ear issues as a baby and toddler. He had four sets of tubes and has had to really work on several of his sounds to correctly pronounce them.
Best Mom Award happened the day before his 8th birthday, again involving his ears. You can read all about it here.
These are the days of . . .
* subbing A LOT. Like every day. Which is good. We need the cash right now. An added bonus is I get to check in on my kids once in awhile, like Erik's AP Calculus class where I sat at my desk and surreptitiously took these photos of him and his cousin Scott working hard. And they were . . . working hard . . . for the most part.
My goal of writing more is getting all shot to heck. Life is busy.
This girl finally got the piece of mail she's been waiting for. Utah Valley University is getting an incredibly smart, talented, dedicated, thoughtful, righteous girl. As much as we give her grief about her decision to digress from the family alma mater, Utah State to become a wolverine, I know she knows how to receive revelation and this is the decision that brings peace to her.
Wanna know how you know you're getting answers? Well, really internalize your feelings. Are you conflicted or do you feel calm? When peace comes you will know it and you will know that that is your answer to whatever you are seeking.
For me the spirit is calm and peaceful and I relish those days when such feelings are in abundance and build confidence in my choices.
These are the days of . . .
*tennis. Conditioning has started and I can't wait to watch my boys play this year.
*Winter Ball which included a dinner at our house with snowman building beforehand.
*All About Me poster. I'm a smart mom and held on to the poster from last year. All we had to do this year was add a picture or two. I also happened to be subbing one day and got to take his picture.