17 February 2017

Faith in the middle

... there are some of us who are sorta stuck here in the middle of the story, God, and we don't know what the next chapter holds. 

We've got no idea how our hearts are about to get broken or when, what the doctor could end up saying tomorrow, how the kids will turn out, or what's on the next page or the one after that. 

And when you're stuck in the middle of the story? Well, honestly, it's easy to feel at the end of your rope. 

And You pull us close, real close: "I’d never forget you—never.
Look, I’ve written your names on the backs of my hands." Isa 49:16

You've etched the very letters of our name, of who we are, right into You. 
You haven't forgotten us or this chapter or this story, and if You haven't forgotten us, we're not about to go forgetting that Your stories always work out in the end -- and if things aren't working out quite yet, it just means we're not quite yet to the end. We'll literally practice our faith -- we'll practice saying thanks in the middle.

Faith thanks God in the middle of the mess, 
Faith thanks God in the middle of the night,
Faith thanks God in the middle of the story -- 

Because it believes in the relentless goodness of Him who will won't stop writing till there's good at the end of this story. 

--Ann Voskamp, Facebook feed

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