27 November 2016

Remembering Wholeness

No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.

I decided a few months ago that I simply was not reading enough. Since September I've read six and am working my way through two more. My book review today, however, is a book I read long ago, dog-earring so many pages that I loved. 

And it sat and sat, waiting patiently for me to do something about those marked up pages. Today's the day.
Remembering Wholeness. The author talks a lot of finding energy in the universe and using this energy to create a better life for ourselves. A lot of it I found kind of hokey. She seemed to have this idea of being able to be in complete control of her life. I don't agree with that premise. I think the moment we think we have complete control, God will ensure that we don't. BUT, a lot of tidbits I wholeheartedly agreed with, and those little nuggets are what are captured below.

*Thriving is more than having a lot of money, a physically fit body, and great relationships. Thriving is a spiritual experience. You can know who you are and why you are here. Thriving is having an ongoing rich relationship with the heavens and calling upon its powers to effect tremendous outcomes in behalf or your life and others.

*If you want to know what the most powerful beliefs are about yourself -- whether you are aware of them or not -- just look at your life.

*Start right now imagining your life exactly as you want it to be. . . . Pain and struggle are familiar to all of us, yet it is not our natural state. Our natural state is to feel good and to know happiness.

*We come into this world with the soul intent on remembering who we are -- our gifts, our glory, our power, and our god-self. We choose an interesting way of remembering: we are remembering by experiencing who we are not.

*The heavens want to assist in creating that which brings us more joy. They want us to be in a state of joy so we can move through our lives giving joy to more people. Do not sit and wait for God to make your life better. Set an intention to partner with God in creating a wonderful life, and you will experience the miracle of how quickly it can happen.

*By choosing to be accountable and taking ownership of everything you experience, you will really have the power to create a wonderful life. . . . We learn more and more clearly what we do want as a byproduct of experiencing what we don't want. The next time you have an experience you don't want, ask yourself what you do want and start creating it.

*The success of God's plan is not dependent on us. There is always someone to replace us if we fail to fulfill our contracts. Does God love us any less if we choose out? I believe not. God has complete allowing and unconditional love for each of us, no matter what we do. If we fail to live a higher level of spirituality or choose out of our contracts, we deny ourselves blessings. We are not loved any less; we have just chosen a different experience.

*[God] wants us each to create as much success as possible; he compares us with no one. It really is up to you. What do you want to experience? What do you want to acquire spiritually? Don't be so hard on yourself. Have more fun and be more playful with all of this. It is meant to bring us joy now, not just a byproduct of joy later.

*Come unto Christ and become God-reliant as well as self-reliant. (Oooh, I really liked that.)

*Albert Einstein once said, "I want to know the thoughts of God; everything else is details." In a state of charity, we know the thoughts of God. We are connected to the light of Christ so completely, it is as if the light of heaven and the thoughts of God communicate to our intelligence directly.

These are the days of . . . 
*My Grandpa DeLaMare's birthday. It's today, November 27. He was an airplane mechanic in India during WWII.

*Santa letters . . . seems pretty easy, right. And you got to love free!

*Marshmallow pyramids

*The neverending college applications which inundate our mailbox and now have Erik's name on them along with Kiersten's

*And even more wonderful neighbors who send my kids home with food. Got to love those friends who work for Kellogg's. She assured me that my kids did not tell her they were starving. We do eat :) We are just eating food from our food storage because this is the very reason it's there.

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