13 November 2016

My way or the Lord's way

My favorite general conference talk was by Elder Nattress: "No Greater Joy Than to Know That They Know." I received a strong impression that we were to start reading the Book of Mormon as a family again, starting immediately. For the past three years we have been reading the book of scripture that the seminary students are reading and this year we were working our way through the New Testament.

The next morning "I Nephi" commenced.

Recently we read of Nephi breaking his bow. In 1 Nephi 16:18 it says nothing of breaking the arrows, just the bow. A few verses later, Nephi tell us of crafting a new bow AND new arrows. Now, why couldn't he have just made a new bow to go with the old arrows he still had?

We have a gentleman in our ward who has been shooting bows and arrows since he was very small. He commented one day in Sunday School that Joseph Smith, with his limited background, could not have known that bows and arrows go together. You break a bow, you make new arrows to go with that bow. What an interesting insight from an expert in the field.

I was also thinking about Nephi and his brothers having to return to Jerusalem to obtain the brass plates, or the scriptures.

The first attempt recorded in 1 Nephi 3:10-11 has Nephi and his brothers consulting with one another about what to do and then casting lots as to who was going to simply go ask for the plates.

Ya, that didn't work.

The second attempt in verse 22 has them trying to purchase the plates from Laban.

Yep. Didn't work.

At this point they are frustrated and angry and ready to give up. On their third attempt, Nephi heads into Jerusalem being "led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."

Ding, ding, ding! This time he was successful. 

So what made all the difference?

The first couple of times, those brothers, Nephi included, tried to do things their own way, using their own wisdom and understanding, their own skills. Not until Nephi followed the Spirit were they successful.

Is there something you are badly in need of? Something you desperately desire? [Our little family understands a little about needing something desperately, like employment for instance  :)]

The Lord knew how to get those plates and he knows how to help us obtain what we righteously desire and are in need of. Listening and heeding the Spirit of God is the key.

I have a bishop who is so good at following the Spirit's direction. That is a gift I greatly desire and am working on.

These are the days of . . . 
*working my first full week -- I think that 6th grade class liked me.

*basketball tryouts -- Erik attempted again for the high school team and was cut again. What courage. I don't think I would have tried a third time.

*early morning math -- Ash was nominated to be a part of a special early morning math team with a competition coming up in February.

*fasting and prayer

*a great friend and visiting teacher who invited me to be a part of her sealing session -- I haven't done sealings since I got married and that was a special experience.

*making consecrated bread for the sacrament with my Laurels -- We are so close to completing Mel's personal progress for her.

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