16 January 2016

Wisdom teeth and braces

It's been a week for teeth. Actually maybe two.

Nate got braces the first day back from Christmas break.

And Erik lost his wisdom teeth the first day of a 4-day weekend.

The other option is to get them out in the summer. I personally think hanging out inside when the weather outside is frightful is much more to be desired than the alternative.

He was so nervous going in. Everyone he talked to about it said it was the worst experience. Twenty minutes after taking him away, the nurse came to get me. He was done. Seriously, wisdom teeth out in twenty minutes just doesn't seem right. Erik had no need to be nervous; he kept repeating, "That was great!" I think he meant the drugs were great. All he recalls is the needle they stuck him with and then he was out.

Mr. Funny doesn't remember any of our conversations or the video I took even though he insisted he was awake.

So far he's been subsisting on ice cream and jello and smoothies. A few days of discomfort is certainly better now than having to deal with them when you are 50 and the roots have entwined themselves in the nerve that runs along the bottom jaw. The nurse was telling me of how much worse they are to get out the older the patient is. Plus missionaries are advised to have them removed before going on a mission, especially if you might go to a third-world country. You certainly don't want to get there and have dental issues that can't be taken care of easily. Erik's x-rays showed the top coming in somewhat straight but the bottom were coming in sideways. Getting them out now means less to do for mission preparation.

We are two for two. Three more to go. Both Kiersten and Erik had all four. I only had one that my Uncle Russell pulled like a normal tooth when I was in college. No anesthesia for me. Tyler had all four. Time will tell if any of the others inherit my good fortune.

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