03 January 2016

Christmas wrap up

It's a new year. A new sacrament meeting time. I love our 9am start time; not sure how the rest of the ward feels. My kids weren't especially thrilled about having to get up earlier this morning.

Christmas break is one of my favorites. No schedule. No real meal time. Sleep in. Stay up late. Watch a ton of movies (like Star Wars; seriously who hasn't seen the new Star Wars yet. Oh ya. Me. I went to The Good Dinosaur with Alex and Ash and fell asleep only a few times). Board games. Reading. No yard work calling to me (other than shoveling snow). I love it and use the time to catch up on some organizing and getting ready for a new year.

This Christmas was a pretty low key. That boy that asked for a calculator just to scratch it out and say never mind . . . well, he got one anyway. Turns out the one he found wasn't working.

Ash spent a few days coloring the annual Tooele Transcript coloring book in hopes of winning various prizes at the local stores. One day we got a call from Mountain West pediatrics. Ash had won first prize in the older age group. That coloring paid off to the tune of $30.

I worked feverishly for 2 days finishing up another blog book. That 40% off was quite alluring. But I did it and didn't even let myself peak at the finished product until Christmas morning.

For one of our family home evening activities we did a love language quiz. Erik's language of love is predominately gifts. So when his bottom retainer finally showed up in the mail a few days before Christmas, I took the liberty of showering him with love and wrapped it up. He may be smiling but I don't think he found it that hilarious.

Kiersten helped her friend Hannah ask cousin Scott to the "Snow Ball" coming up in a few weeks.

We caught up with our old friends the Goldens at both of our favorite: Texas Roadhouse. It was even Sharon's birthday and she was such a good sport to ride the saddle. Carroll is a big time scouter and made Erik promise him that he would get his eagle. I don't know why I haven't sicced Carroll on Erik before now.

And tomorrow starts a whole 'nother round of school and work.

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