24 January 2016

What would a holy woman do?

Good question.

It's a question that has been running through my mind this week especially when little decisions pop up or as I analyze a situation afterwards.

Thursday night I found myself at the Bountiful Temple on one of thee craziest nights. I sat in the chapel waiting room for a good hour just to get into the session. Instead of the 7pm session it was the 8pm which meant getting home much later than I anticipated. Anyone who knows me well, knows I am not a late night person.

But I sat patiently and took the time to read scripture and meditate. A holy woman would take advantage of those quiet moments.

Friday I subbed at the elementary school. It was a day Ash was participating in the Book Battle. I had already accepted this job and didn't feel like I could back out. Tyler went and supported her. I could have let myself get irritated for not having it on my calendar and double scheduling, but I chose instead to catch her on my lunch break and talk to her about how she did. For a girl who has never participated until this year, who had to be talked into it, and who hadn't read all the books until a day ago, she did well, taking second place.

A holy woman does not allow herself to get irritated or frustrated.

After a day of subbing I was ready to go home but needed to stop at the credit union first to deposit some checks. We ended up behind a car that seemed to take forever. I had kids in the car, one being Ashlyn's friend who didn't have a lot of time to play at our house. I thought, "How would a holy woman behave in this situation?" Again, I remained calm and didn't get uptight that things were taking longer than I thought they should.

This morning we needed to be to the church at 8:30 to practice a song for our sacrament meeting program. Alex couldn't find his Sunday clothes in a room he shares with Erik and I got frustrated that we were going to be late. I got annoyed with Erik and his clothes that never seem to make it into drawers after I've spent the day washing and folding them.

My UNHOLY woman came out and I proceeded to take all his clothes that were half in drawers and on the ground and throw them into one big heap. That would certainly teach him to take care of his clothes. By darn, he was going to understand how much time it took me to wash and fold them, and that I certainly didn't appreciate him just letting them float around his room.

Would a holy woman throw her son's clothes around the room? Definitely not.

Our Relief Society has challenged us to think and act like a holy woman this year. This won't be easy for me. There are many weaknesses that hinder my ability to be more than I can be. But in all honesty, this week has been different for me. Maybe not so much in my actions but I have thought differently. And if I continue to think differently, my actions will soon come in alignment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing Miss! I haven't known what to call it, but I too have been trying to watch my daily actions. I've been reading the New Testament and my heart has just caught fire to become more like my Savior. Thanks for giving me a name to call my goal. I too want to become a Holy Woman.