27 September 2015

Weekend happenings

This weekend wasn't especially eventful. Kiersten left for Boise for a cross country meet. Our house isn't necessarily falling apart, but it's not the new house it once was. Conference began with the women's session. Nate gave his first talk in sacrament. And we got to see a blood moon lunar eclipse that won't happen again until 2033. Awesome stuff.

Every summer I have my kids make goals they want to accomplish for those three months. Some do better than others at accomplishing things, but all achieve something.

Kiersten had a goal to run 500 miles for cross country. That meant running twice a day for a lot of miles.

Nate set a goal of 250. He kind of blew his out of the water.

As a mom, I love seeing my kids grow and develop and become friends.

A month ago I watch a neighbor's toddler who tried out one of my kitchen drawers. At the time I thought he merely pulled it all the way out and I simply pushed it back in. But no, this week I discovered the screws holding the box to the rollers had been stripped with nowhere to put new screws. I dropped it off at the cabinet place to have a new box made. 

And then Alex decided to even things up. His shorts caught on the handle, ripping the door off. The miraculous thing about this whole incident is I maintained my cool. I had just walked in the door from attending the temple when Tyler calmly let me know what had happened. All things can be fixed, right?

Nate gave his first sacrament talk today. I may have set him up for it. When he turned 12, he casually mentioned to me one day that he could give a talk in sacrament. Well, a year went by and nothing. So I casually mentioned it to the bishop and Nate was soon on the speaking docket. He did a fabulous job, talking about his conversion story from his baptism to receiving the priesthood to being challenged by a Sunday School teacher to consistently read his scriptures and pray. Cool under pressure. Didn't read it but spoke from his heart. Told some personal experiences. I had many people afterwards tell me what a great job he did. You wouldn't have thought he was only 13.

All evening we waited for the moon to show and finally as everyone was headed off the bed, there it was. Nate got out his telescope and we tried viewing it through that.

My camera, unfortunately, does not take good photos in the dark of objects far away. I'm always grateful for those who do get good shots and share them. This one below was taken by my friend Mindy Memmott.

Good things
a good, caring bishop

walks around the block
*digital cameras

*I am so grateful for those people in my children's lives who take photos of events that I am not able to attend. I feel like I haven't missed much when they are so kind to share either through email or social media. So with that, here are a few more homecoming pictures I got today.

1 comment:

laura said...

I've heard good things about Nate's talk. Wish I could have been there to hear him give it.