19 September 2015


A few weeks ago my Laurels and I started planning a movie night for the girls who didn't get asked to Homecoming. Slowly, one by one, I started getting those "sorry. can't make it" texts.

I was so happy for them.

Kiersten was still in our movie club up until a week and half ago.

Then she attended a seminary morningside.

So for all you younguns wondering whether 6:30 is too early in the morning to attend a fireside, you might want to think again.

Broderick Craig simply . . . and I say simply because so many proposals are anything but . . . approached her with a sunflower from off the side of the road and asked her to homecoming and she simply had to say yes.

No fluff. No wondering. No sleepless nights. No homework not done because time was spent elsewhere. My kind of proposal.

Except he didn't leave a lot of time for dress shopping and we were headed out of town for the weekend. That only really left last Monday. So Monday it was. And I prayed desperately that we might find something.

I mean I literally prayed that we would find a dress.

My Facebook peeps came through. Cousin Ash had one she was sending to the DI, so we graciously took it off her hands and set out to find some shoes at JCPenneys.

Found the shoes and took a quick glance at their dresses.

And we found one she really liked and it was on sale and the clerk used a coupon for us. I really love it when they offer to save me more money. And then she gave us a $10 coupon to use again, starting that day.

Returned the shoes and bought them again, using our $10 coupon.

What a great shopping trip.

Savings from great shopping deserves Zupas. I love Zupas, especially their tomato soup. I'm already salivating just writing about it.

Now for next year we have two great dresses to choose from and hopefully I'll be out a shopping trip.

Have I mentioned that I really don't like shopping. I mean it is one of my least favorite things to do. But for this girl, I'll happily oblige.

And now she's off at her first dance ever. Kevin Astill, our neighbor across the street, found me at stake conference and confessed that watching Kiersten leave for her date made him feel quite old.

Ya, well he's not her mother.

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