20 September 2015

Trees and faith

Eight years ago we had a big tree come down in a windstorm

and several months ago we lost another.

The first was due to a neighbor overwatering on the fence line causing shallow roots. Our other tree had a bore which weakened the tree. So here's my little life lesson from trees . . . sink your roots deep so that when the winds of change, the hurricanes of life come howling in, you will be anchored. And don't let small bugs bore their way into your life, infesting your soul. They will weaken you. Root your life in Jesus Christ with prayer and scripture study and keep a vigilant guard on the bores of the adversary which will try to weaken your resolve to stand tall and strong.

And sometimes you're going to need some support from others when your roots aren't quite deep enough. Accept their help and know that storms don't last forever. The time to jump ship or have a faith crisis is not in the middle of a tempest. Hold on; better days are ahead. Faith will always trump doubt.

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