31 May 2015


Today's combined youth lesson was on ministering taught by our bishop. He asked for stories of how we have been ministered to and several adults and youth shared experiences. I raised my hand to say I didn't have an experience right then but that ministering to others in rarely convenient. It's never on our timetable or rarely fits into our schedule.

The bishop thanked me for my comment and said, "Well, I have an experience to share about that in your own family" and turned the time over to his wife Kathie to talk about how this past Thursday Kiersten had gone up to their home to get Hannah for a night run. Hannah was telling her how her mom was stressed about getting 23 costumes sewn for a dance recital in a few days.

Well, I went to pick up the girls around 9:30pm from their run and Kiersten had me take her home where she quickly changed, grabbed our sewing machine, and I dropped her off at Kathie's house. Kathie explained how that day she had prayed that Heavenly Father would please send someone, an angel to help with the load she was carrying.

Kiersten was that angel who stayed until 1am sewing costumes. Was it convenient for her? No. She'd been running all day and I think was exhausted and ready for bed. Was it when she wanted to be of service? No. For heaven's sake, it was almost 10pm when she arrived on their doorstep, sewing machine in hand.

That girl knows that true happiness lies in helping and ministering to those around us. She is truly an example to me of who I need to work at becoming, and I want to be more like her every day. How did I get so lucky to be her mom. When I grow up I want to be like Kiersten :)

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