14 April 2013


My little brother Matt told Ashlyn yesterday, "I'm so glad you were born . . . and reborn."

We celebrated with our Ash as she made an important step in being baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Grandma and Grandpa arrived the night before with a few gifts. I let her open mine, her white dress, that she had picked out an entire year before and had forgotten all about it until a few days ago. When she asked about it, I played dumb and didn't know what she was talking about even though the dress was wrapped and sitting on the mantel. She never clued in.

Grandma Jules made her a beautiful purple quilt

and Grandma and Grandpa Leary gave her new scriptures which she and Nate have diligently been reading most mornings.

She was beautiful and glowed all day long. The service was short and simple with Ashlyn being the fastest dresser ever. Her Grandpa Sharm commented that she was like Superman because she changed so fast. We just wanted to hurry and hear the rest of Kiersten's piano solo of "Baptism" arranged by Paul Cardall.

Our new bishop took a few minutes to welcome Ashlyn into the ward. I liked what he told her about the Holy Ghost -- when we are doing right and following the commandments there is a peaceful feeling that accompanies us which is the Holy Ghost. When we are confused, then we know there are some things in our life that we must correct.

There was also a minor change to the program. Nathan was supposed to lead but ended up not feeling well and staying home, so I took over. The first verse of the closing song "I Am a Child of God" kind of hit me hard as I sang "has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear. Lead me, guide me, walk beside me . . . " Those words touched me as I thought of my own parents sitting in the audience who have been so kind and dear and have taught me correct principles, who have shown me the way that I must go, who have led me and counseled with me. I am forever grateful to them simply for being wonderful parents, for being MY parents.
Breakfast is my most favorite meal of the day. I love it all and so we tried to have it all. There were egg casseroles with salsa and sour cream, Dutch oven potatoes, ham, bacon, cinnamon rolls, orange rolls, lots of fruit and dip, orange juice and apple juice. Oh my! I was in heaven. We ended up with more than enough, but my idea of a good hostess is that my guests leave feeling full, hopefully not wondering where they can stop on the way home to finish filling up.

I hope Ashlyn remembers the good feelings she had about her day. My only regret is that we didn't get a picture of her with Grandma Leary and Grandma and Grandpa Ellis, three of her great-grandparents. It's not usual to have great-grandparents attending such events. What a blessing to still have them around and in good health (Brian did get some pictures of them at our house, just not with Ashlyn).

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