21 April 2013

April General Conference

I know I'm a few weeks late on this . . . but can I just say I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE.

Kiersten does too. At least that's what her grandpa told me.

I think my other kids do too.

At least they were all busy taking notes . . . until the last hour. Then I think we all kind of zoned out or fell asleep, myself included.

My conference moment this time was when they released the Young Women General Presidency and sustained new leaders. When Bonnie Oscarson's name was announced as the new president, I quickly went online to make sure it was the same Bonnie Oscarson that I knew vicariously.

You see I know her as Mo. At least that's what her children call her. She just recently returned from serving as matron of the Sweden temple. She has five daughters and two sons. Before going to Sweden she had just completed her studies and graduated from college . . . after all her children were raised and had left home. Her and her husband first had a call to go to China on a mission, but at the last minute it got changed to Sweden as temple president and matron. Before leaving they felt the need to sell their home in Bountiful and move into a condo in North Salt Lake/Salt Lake. 

And how do I know all this? I like to read blogs and three of her daughters blogs are on my short list. Here's a link to one of her daughter's thoughts about her mother becoming the president of the Young Women organization for the LDS church. I know she will be wonderful just from the little bit I know about her and frankly from the family she has raised.

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