When his name was read over the pulpit today I had the same feeling I had when President Child's name was read. The Lord has picked the right men for the callings they have accepted. I know without a doubt that both will do wonderful things.
It's been interesting to witness the whole process in comparison to the Catholic church whose pope has resigned. The Catholic church is without a leader until a group of cardinals get together to vote on a new one. I find it very refreshing that the LDS church is never without a leader, whether it be the president of the church, the stake president, or the bishop. It's been wonderful to witness such a smooth transition.
On a different note. This is how we spend a wintry Saturday when a family party gets canceled due to the snow:
Tyler's been setting up his home theater and trying to save us a few bucks by doing some things he's learned online how to do. He even got brave and cut into the drywall and patched it himself. So far he has two speakers in place and we're hoping it will all work when everything gets set up.
March 1st arrived and Kiersten decided to boycott winter. Silly girl, I don't blame her (I made my Primary kids sing Springtime Is Coming last week in hopes of ushering spring in a little sooner). So she pulled an Erik and wore shorts and a t-shirt to school even though it was trying awfully hard to snow that morning. Then she and Nate tackled the sport court and are working on clearing the snow.
And it looks like Alex has gone with the no clothes approach to boycotting winter. He's got some pretty big shoes to fill there. He's also learned that our official names are not Mom and Dad, but Missy and Tyler and boy does he love to refer to us that way.
1 comment:
You must have taken that picture before I got online? I was there I promise!
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