17 March 2013

Some Sunday musings

Holy day vs. Holiday
All you have to do is change one letter and it's become an entirely new word. I pointed this out to the Primary kids today. The world is trying very desperately (and might I add succeeding) at making any holy day a holiday. Sundays, Easter, Christmas, you name it, it's not off limits.

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Lucky vs. Blessed
Since today was St. Patrick's Day, I first made sure we were all wearing green. It seems the girls in the family were darn near close to identical (only after my girls made me change my Levi skirt for the black).

Again in Primary we talked about how often we say how lucky we are for the things or circumstances in our lives. But really the Lord is in charge and he wants to bless us with all that he has. Lucky just seems to say that there is not reason for what happens to us. But blessed . . . that seems to denote that things do happen for a reason, sometimes for reasons unknown to us. I know many times I fail to recognize the little, miniscule blessings that come from my Father in Heaven EVERY DAY.

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Our sacrament meeting speakers were a newly married couple, and she is just a newlywed in the church, joining when she was 18. I was nervous for her, but part way through I had to lean over the Kiersten and point out what a great speaker she was because she didn't merely read her talk but talked from her heart. "Conversion is not only a mental change but also a moral one. You don't merely join a church, but you make a lifestyle change." And one more . . . "You have to protect your faith from those who want to change it."

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