08 March 2013

A proposal

Sixteen years ago today, I got a proposal of marriage.

But it wasn't my first.


Back up.

That's what I said. It wasn't my first.

I was 15 when an old an old seminary student of my dad's by the name of Michael Mower came to visit. I don't remember the details, but I do remember there was talk of an exchange for eight cows that thankfully never came to fruition.

Fast forward 6 years later to when I got a REAL proposal. (By the way Mike now works for the governor. Click here if you want to see what he looks like 22 years later.)

Since I don't remember details very well, it's a good thing I keep a journal. Some of the following came from there and also from the only scrapbook that I deem completely finished . . . Our Wedding.

How we became engaged. It was the day before my birthday (Saturday, March 8, 1996) and Tyler took me out to celebrate. Initially I thought we were headed to The Korea House to eat, but then he kept going and feigned forgetfulness. We ended up at the the Logan zoo and walked around a bit looking at all 10 animals (at least it seemed like that's all there were). As we were walking over the bridge overlooking the fish pond (which is no longer there), Tyler stopped and began "fishing" around in his pocket. At that moment I knew what was going to happen. My heart started racing and my hands got all sweaty. I was so nervous and flustered I said, "Are you serious?" and immediately followed up with a "yes" before he had even posed the question. How embarrassing that would have been if he had something else in mind. He did ask THE QUESTION and my answer was yes again. He later told me how my first yes made him feel pretty secure in asking.

[Insert commentary here] Tyler still likes to tease me about my initial response.

We hugged, we kissed, and put the ring on my finger. It was too small for my ring finger, but if fit my pinky. Tyler picked the ring out himself. I hadn't even told him what I liked nor had we looked at rings. But he did a great job and I love it.

After we finished looking at the animals, Tyler presented me with a real birthday present: Roller blades! I had always loved roller skating as a kid and was so excited to finally have some blades. We finally made it The Korea House. I'd never eaten Korean before so it was very different. Not bad but different. I tried kimchi and squid. Not bad. I love him so much and am so excited to be married to him. This means no more roommates, my own fridge and cupboards, my own messes. It was a wonderful day!!

Sadly, this was in the days of film cameras when we didn't take a lot of pictures. I sure wish we had one of that day at the bridge and me eating kimchi and squid. Despite what I said above, they really are quite bad and I've never eaten them since.
This is probably our first photo together. Man we look young. But then again I guess we were. Tyler no longer wears paper clips on his shirts but for some reason I still have that jumper. I guess some things are just hard to part with. (Like for instance, my baby teeth. I still have them stashed away in the pink little treasure chest I got from the dentist when I was a kid and they have moved with me more than a few times.)
Here's a better photo, sometime shortly after our engagement.

And that is the start of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Leary.

1 comment:

Ambs said...

I love it and I love you guys... so glad you said yes! Wish Tyler would have told someone he was proposing, I could have hid in the bushes and taken pictures! haha