16 September 2012

Erik's first sacrament meeting talk

Erik actually volunteered several weeks ago to speak in church.
What 12-year-old preteen does that?
I guess mine does.

He did a fantastic job.
I couldn't tell that he was nervous at all (which I'm sure he was).
He spoke loudly and clearly.

And he even had the audience laughing.

Last night he had a bunch of random ideas spread everywhere.
So I helped him organize them into a logical flow and then we threw in a personal story.
Everyone likes listening to stories.

And jokes.
He started his talk out by telling us how he had forgotten his scriptures,
and thankfully the bishop let him borrow his.
At this point Erik picked up some scriptures that he had dusted with flour and proceeded to blow the "dust" off.

The audience all got it and laughed.
And he now had their attention.

He then told how his Uncle Jacob was needing a new job and actually had two interviews lined up. As a family we decided to fast for him on Fast Sunday that he would do well on his interviews and get one of the jobs. His interviews were Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday we got the call that he had been offered the job he wanted. Out of 27 applicants, 6 were interviewed and he landed the job. This was Erik's first real experience with fasting for a purpose.

From there he spoke about what fasting is and is not, the reasons for fasting, and fasting on Fast Sunday.

In conclusion, he bore his testimony.

I certainly never had the poise he had today and neither did Tyler at that age.

Now we're just wondering when Kiersten's going to get her turn.

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